We set up the Foundation with the intention of raising awareness of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and the importance of cardiac screening for young people in sport. Through the telling of Dillon’s story and the heartbreak we experienced at his loss we are hoping to save lives and prevent other families from experiencing the same grief. Over the last year we have spoken to many journalists and publications in the efforts to raise awareness and have been lucky to have Dillon featured in national and local press.
We’d like to specifically thank the following outlets and journalists:
Keith Duggan and The Irish Times
Simon Zebo
Pat Nolan and the Irish Daily Mirror
Jason Byrne and the Irish Sun
Philip Lanigan and the Irish Mail
We are fortunate to have such a supportive media landscape in Tipperary and Ireland. The media has played and continues to play a vital role in sharing Dillon’s legacy and highlighting the importance of cardiac screening. We are so thankful to the journalists who take the time to learn and write about Dillon and the Foundation, helping us to connect to new supporters, grow our community and educate people about Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.